Agenda 21
Chapter 24
Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development
Agenda 21 to national governments:
- Increase the proportion of women among the decision-makers,
planners, technical advisers, managers and highly qualified personnel
in the field of environmental issues and development.
- Formulate and implement a clear governmental policy, national
directives, strategy and plans allowing to institute equality
of women from all social points of view…
The feminine principle consists:
- In a positive approach to life, love, care
- Emphasis on “being” not “ownership“
- Creativity, complexity of vision
- Sense of equality instead of hierarchical principles
- Understanding on the basis of empathy, intuition...
- Women do not consider nature as something “external”, but consider
themselves and their surroundings as part of nature…
- Relationships are women’s priority
- Mothers cannot wish their children to live in a life-threatening
environment, or to become victims of violence or war. To give
birth and to raise a human being is much more difficult than to
take somebody’s life...
“When we have enough money, we can permit ourselves the luxury of
a sound environment.” Václav Klaus
- The president is a man
- The government is 100 % masculine
- In the Parliament and Senate more than 85 % of members are men
- The 50 wealthiest people in our country are men
- Criminality is up to 95 % men‘s business
A materialistic-consumerist society in which profit, money, prosperity
and corruption is the vision human endeavors…
The present-day ideology of consumerist society is a threat to life
on Earth on an unprecedented scale.
People go to work, in order to buy a car so that they get to work.
Stress, lack of time to cultivate interpersonal relations, to care
not only for oneself and one’s own health but also to one’s environment
and closest surroundings.