seeks ways to cultivate new attitudes toward the environment and
among people themselves
GAIA is the Earth goddess, mother of all living things
on the Earth.
According to Greek mythology

Agentura GAIA sends a present to
the members of European parliament through the congressman Vladimir
Gaia Annual Report for the year 2002 ready for download here.
(pdf), 220Kb.
Agentura GAIA
p.o. box 2
106 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
phone: 774 946 517
email: info@quovadisfemina.cz
Green means life
- Planting seeds of eco-schools
- local NGO aims to raise children's eco-awareness (Prague Post)
- Planting trees in the streets Lublaòská,
Wenzigova, Legerova in Prague 2, Kubelíkova in Prague 3.
- Salvaging trees lining the
streets Pilská, Novozámecká and Kyjský
mlýn in Prague 14
- Restoring the park surrounding
the primary school and kindergarten in Prague 9 Hostavice
- Buy Your Tree
continuous campaign emhasizing the significance of greenery
and our responsibility for its state
- Do You Know Your Space?
joint work by community and neighbours in the inner courtyard
at Radhoská street in Prague 3
Women and the enviroment
- Thought, Word, Action - Marie Haisová,
MBA, Sheffield Hallam University, Director of Agentura GAIA, Czech
Republic. Experienced in the field of environmental and social
development offers: seminars, public speaking on environmental
and social issues
Environment-friendly conduct pays
- Dialog for 21st Century a program of round tables
with representatives of the industry and multinational companies
on the responsibility by preserving life on the Earth
- We in the 21st Century creation of model ecological
kindergarten in Klatovy, with the participation of the holder
of the Saxon state prize for architecture O. Reiter
- The Ecological Way to Common Europe, educational cultural
program, by means of which we help pupils at primary schools to
develop their personalities and orientation in democratic society,
related teamwork and protection of our environment.
Next presentation and projects - articles (pdf